7 Must-Read Articles About Sudan This Week
Our curated content features updated news about Sudan and highly recommended news articles hand-picked by the editorial team .
Every Video Showing Atbara’s Train Arrival At the Sit-in Protest in Khartoum
A collection of media posted on Atbara's train arrived at the sit-in protest in Khartoum.
The Silver Lining: 6 Inspiring News Items From Sudan – February 2020
Bad news travels faster than good news. We have an inherent ability to seek melancholy and sad events. However, there is always good news to...
تفاصيل الاتفاق بين حميدتى والشركة الكندية لتحسين صورة المجلس العسكري
Ari Ben-Menashe on Sudan, Mugabe & Haftar
مدينة غلاسكو تحي ذكرى الشهيدة امال قوس
في مدينة غلاسكو بسكتلندا ، قام ناشطون بمظاهرات لتسليط الضوء على قضية التغيير المناخي، وخلال المظاهرة قام المتظاهرون باغلاق الشارع بقارب كبير. القارب تمت تسميته...
From inside the army HQ sit in -AP report
This video report (Arabic) interviews protesters at the sit-in and documents various aspects of the ongoing sit in protests.
If you want real News on Sudan- follow these Twitter accounts
The situation in Sudan remains worrying. Activists are calling on the international community to #keepeyesonSudan.