Sudan: Population, Tribes, Climate & Food

Sudan is a unique country. Learn more about Sudan's population, ethnic groups, climate, food and more.

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Sudan is the second largest country in Africa, and it is also the largest country in the Arab world. Sudan has a population of over 41 million people, which makes it one of the most densely populated countries in Africa. and the third largest country in the Arab world. Sudan has a population of about 40 million people with a GDP per capita of $3,500 per year (2015).

Sudan Location

Sudan is bordered by Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Kenya to the north; Chad and the Central African Republic to the east; South Sudan to the south. The country is divided into five regions: Darfur, Kordofan, Northern, Red Sea and the Blue Nile. The River Nile flows through Sudan from south to north, providing water for crops and wildlife alike.

Sudan and South Sudan are both landlocked, but Sudan has access to the Red Sea through Egypt, while South Sudan has access to the Indian Ocean. Sudan and South Sudan were at war with each other for decades, and their separation was the result of a referendum organized by the United Nations. The division occurred in 2011, and since then both countries have been working toward establishing stable governments.

Sudan Language 

Sudan is a very diverse country with many different ethnic groups and languages. Arabic is the official language of Sudan. n the south of the country, people speak a different dialect of Arabic. The official language is also used in schools and government offices. However, there are more than 50 other languages spoken in the country. Many people in Sudan speak English as well because it was one of the languages taught at schools during British colonial rule.

Sudan Climate 

Sudan has a tropical climate, with hot and humid summers and mild, rainy winters. The country is prone to violent storms, floods and droughts. The climate in Sudan is hot and dry from December to February, with warm days and cool nights. The rainy season lasts from June to September, when temperatures can reach as high as 40°C (104°F).

Sudan Religion 

Religion in Sudan is mainly Muslim. The majority of people are Sunni Muslims, but there are also some Shia Muslims and Christians. Some of the Islamic traditions in Sudan include the Sufis.

Sudan  Ethnic groups 

There are many different ethnic groups in Sudan, including Arabs, Nubians, Fur and Dinka people. The Dinka people are the largest ethnic group in Sudan. They live mainly in the south of the country, close to its border with South Sudan. The Dinka people are mainly farmers and herders. They have their own language and customs. are semi-nomadic farmers and herders. They live in huts made of grass, which they build on stilts to protect themselves from flooding. They live in the region known as the Bahr el-Ghazal. It is a fertile area with many rivers and lakes. The Dinkas live near Lake No, which means ‘water’ in the Dinka language. Dinkas are closely related to the Nuer people.

The Nuer people are also herders and they live in the north of Sudan. Nuer people have their own language, customs and traditions. They are related to other ethnic groups in Sudan that speak Nilotic languages. The Nuer tribes live in the grassy plains of South Sudan. They are farmers and hunters who live in small villages. The Nuer people live in huts made of mud bricks and they cover the roofs with thatch from palm leaves. They build their villages near rivers or lakes because they need water for everyday life.

The Dinka and Nuer both live in communities that are divided into clans. Each clan has its own leader, and each clan is made up of several families. The Nuer and Dinka are the two largest ethnic groups in Sudan. They live mainly in southern Sudan. Both tribes speak the same language, but they have different traditions and cultures. The two communities have been fighting each other for many years because of land disputes, cattle rustling, and water rights. The conflict between these groups has led to thousands of deaths since it began in 1955.

The Zaghawa are another ethnic group of Sudan, which is originally a nomadic tribe that lives mainly in Chad. They are also semi-nomadic farmers and herders. The Zaghawa are related to the Berbers of North Africa and are famous for their skill as camel herders. They also hunt, especially on camels. Most Zaghawas live in Darfur province, where they have been fighting against the government for many years.

The Fur and Masalit are two ethnic groups that live in the Darfur province of Sudan. They speak Arabic and consider themselves Muslims. The Fur is mostly nomadic herders who speak Arabic and consider themselves Muslims. They have lived in the region for many centuries, but there has been a lot of conflict with other ethnic groups over land and water resources.

The Nubians are also a large group of people in Sudan. They live mainly north of the country, close to its border with Egypt. They are a large ethnic group in Sudan, who live along its border with Egypt. They speak a language called Nubian and they have a long history of living in the area.

Sudan Resources 

Sudan has many natural resources such as gold, copper and uranium. Uranium in Sudan is found in the Red Sea Hills, which are located in the north of Sudan. The country has large deposits of copper, gold and oil. Gold is the country’s main export. In Sudan Gold is found in the eastern part of the country near the Red Sea Large deposits of gold are also found in the west, particularly at Jebel Amir. The deposits are mainly located underground, but there is also some gold that can be found at the surface level. Sudan also has deposits of iron ore, manganese and bauxite. There are also deposits of iron ore and bauxite. There are also many other minerals such as iron ore and zinc, which are mined in Sudan.


The main food eaten by Sudanese people is rice, wheat, sorghum and millet. Sudanese people also eat vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Fava beans in Sudan are a popular dish, as are lentils and other pulses. The main meat eaten in Sudan is beef, lamb and chicken.

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